After Hours FM is going strong, but is not great at marketing ourselves or keeping up on social media content!
We need help! Now seeking volunteers.
Here are a few things we can tell you for now:
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We do not have a top 20 prepared for this week (again) but here's a look at our recent adds to the Heavy rotation (in no particular order):
#1 Spice Boys featuring Boys "Think About You a Lot" from the album Speed 2
#2 Candy "Super-Stare" from their new 7-inch on Relapse
#3 Matt Talbott "Sinister Webs (Rough Mix)," a teaser for his forthcoming solo record coming in Spring 2020
#4 Midnight "Rebirth by Blasphemy" from their new digital single
#5 Firewalker "The Mystery" from their self-released demo EP The Roll Call
#6 Slow Caves "Follow Up" from their album Falling
#7 Hatchie "Unwanted Guest" from the album Keepsake
#8 (Sandy) Alex G "Bad Man" from the album House Of Sugar
And here are some After Hours FM streams on Mixcloud: